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Nightstrike's Reviews: Ophelia Was Murdered

This past week I've been sick, so productivity has slowed a bit, hence the shorter than usual review. Nonetheless, I REALLY want to recommend this book, and if you're curious about anything pertaining to it, feel free to reach out! I'm part of the very niche audience that read this!


Oh boy. There's definitely . . . a lot to unpack with this book. Written by Nate Schoonover, or Draikinator on Youtube, Ophelia Was Murdered definitely left me hesitant when I first heard the premise. Regardless, Nate is a good acquaintance, so I decided to give it a go.

The novel is written in second person. Very, VERY hard to get that right. And it is set in a zombie apocalypse. And yet, it manages to set itself apart from others of its genre by a wide margin. Misfire, unlike the rest of the survivors is not trying to rebuild society, not trying to pick up on life as it once was. They're too traumatized for that. Instead, they're content with slashing through hordes of zombies, with little care for anyone else.

But what exactly is complicated about that?

Well, for starters, Misfire's character hits close to home, their own self-loathing streak reminding me of my own. A hard read, but I'm not here for light and fluffy, now am I?

Additionally, the trauma I mentioned? Over the course of the book, it's hinted at, until close to the end, when we finally realize why they are the way they are.

Now, normally, I'd delve more into this, but under the circumstances, and to avoid a huge amount of spoilers, all I can say, is that this is one book I would rate a perfect 5/5!

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