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General Rules

  • When using original characters from our productions in your own production, be it Literature, Artwork, Comics, or Artwork, please contact us first, and be specific about your intentions. We will then determine if and how you can use them.

  • Do not try to monetize our work, or claim it as your own. We are working under Creative Commons, so you'll probably piss off the creators of the preceding works(Tokyo Ghoul, Undertale, Transformers, Death Note)

  • Public fan-made artwork on this site, the Discord channel, or any other Terminus Industries media that drifts into the inappropriate category will not be tolerated. First-time violators will have permissions revoked based upon the nature of the offense. More on this one later.

  • Customs, Artwork, Edits, etc. We pride ourselves on creativity and ingenuity, as well as acceptance of all ideas. That being said, please be appropriate and responsible. Please provide credit to the original creators if it's a Digibash, recolor, etc. If it's a custom, please try and be descriptive and clear. Don't  spam / account-spam / troll. 

  • Conduct: Please be respectful to other members. Flamewars(the fights, not the Decepticon), and wildly off-topic threads will be locked. If you have issues with a user, take it elsewhere, or at least wait until the Private Messaging system is set up. Furthermore, use of profanity in almost all cases is not allowed. Please be tolerant of your fellow board members, and don't be rude/aggressive.

  • Selling: We have a trade/sales section on our site, where you can sell our products. However, private messaging is not yet up and running, so it will be tricky. 

  • Purchases: Currently, the only places to purchase products are the Shapeways page, and our Patreon. A proper shop will come soon, though. If you want to purchase or commission directly from me, see the post in Nightstrike's Nook, and if you have anymore specific questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

These rules also apply to the forums.


  • Before posting something to the official feed and news sections, please run it by Nightstrike.

  • Same as before, watch your language. Our target audience are general fans of what we're doing, NOT Crackpot Youtube Conspiracy Theorists. Use of derogatory, offensive, and inappropriate language will not be tolerated, and will result in an PBSA(Personal Behavior and Skills Assessment). Punishments are then determined by Nightstrike and Sans_07.

  • No trolling. If you have [ADMIN], [MOD], [VIP], or [Author] permissions, your editing permissions will be revoked until an investigation into the actions is made.

  • If you're selling your own goods, contacting other users is allowed, or PM a user on Discord. 

  • Please don't spoil reveals and plotlines for the projects. If you have a concept, please run it by administration. This also applies to Patrons. 

Rules and Guidelines are subject to change, as the business grows. Please check this page every now and then to stay up to date.

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